2018 Summary

While I’m waiting to launch my upcoming Kickstarter, let’s indulge in some introspection, shall we?
Games Permalink
My biggest accomplishment in 2018 was probably Clink, the western game of mysterious drifters. I’m really proud of how well I nailed that particular genre, and allowed for players to create their characters AS they play.
I also re-did the layout and the cover for Kintsugi in an attempt to make it more of a double-sided handout, rather than a one-pager.
Handouts Permalink
I made 4 handouts or tools that groups may find useful. This is a departure from my usual system references. I’m especially proud of the Merchant Tables, but the NPC Voices and Table Rules seem to get more attention. Oh well.
Blog Permalink
Even though I always felt like I wasn’t writing enough, I wrote more blog posts in 2018 than any other year before! So I’m proud of that. Feels good.
With the upcoming death of G+, I see myself pouring more and more effort into the blog as I attempt to stay in touch with everyone and broadcast my terrible ideas. Here’s hoping I can break last year’s record.
Some interesting stats:
The most viewed blog post in 2018 was … an awkward list of OSR games from 2017. What the heck?
The most downloaded file in 2018 was Only the Food, an adventure I wrote in 2016. Huh.
Maybe I shouldn’t right so many blog posts! Seems to dilute the good stuff.
Plans for 2019 Permalink
Well, funny you should ask. I’m kickstarting a beautiful softcover version of The Bone Marshes in just a few days. By the time you read this it’s probably live!
I’ve also been teaching myself some graphic design and photoshop skills with the hopes of breathing new life into some of my earlier work.
But my true goal, my big dream is to make this year the year I visit conventions and sell my stuff. I think I finally have enough products to fill a table, and I want to meet more people face to face.
So keep your eyes peeled for me in 2019. I hope to see you out there!