WHY I NEED $6500

I’ll keep this short and simple.
Bone Marshes is an ambitious adventure that describes a complex series of flooding tunnels and chambers. Chambers change and shift depending on the current water level.
A lot of this can be explained with graphs and images:
But some things needs a little extra….dimension to them. Time and time again while playtesting my players just had trouble picturing the scene. And I don’t blame them; I have strangely complex areas to describe to them.
So I need the $6500 so I can hire Alex Drummond to not only make the book beautiful, but more easily understandable!
Flooded Caverns Permalink
Here’s one of the chambers from under the marshes while flooded:
Cavern [large enough that whispers echo, occasional splashing] Small lake [50ft below ceiling, calm as death] Eastern and Western shorelines [50ft below ceiling, 100 feet apart, inches above the water] Hidden columns [a dozen, tops just underwater, 15ft wide, like beheaded stalactites.] Steaming bubbles [coming from the center of the lake]
Just beneath the water are the tops of a dozen or so columns 15 feet wide. They are spaced 5-15 feet apart, scattered between the two shorelines like hidden stepping stones. PCs could jump along the tops to the other shoreline (DEX Saves).
Wedged into a crack at the top of one of the columns is a VoltCell, boiling and bubbling just under the water.
The Muckfish swims below, ready to eat anything that falls in.
“Dry” Caverns Permalink
And here’s the same chamber when the water level is lower:
Cavern [large enough that whispers echo, occasional splashing] Small lake [70ft below ceiling, calm as death] Eastern and Western outcroppings [50ft below ceiling, 100 feet apart, 20ft above the water] Pockmarked columns [a dozen, towering 20ft above the water, 15ft wide, like beheaded stalactites.] Lower outcropping [70ft below ceiling, just above the water level]
The columns tower 20ft above the water level, precarious stepping stones between the Eastern and Western outcroppings.
Wedged into the top of one of the columns is a VoltCell, easily found if the PCs were here when the chamber was Wet, or if the PCS carefully search every column.
The Muckfish swims below, ready to eat anything that falls in.
How hard is it to picture the scene in your mind? A picture would help SO MUCH!
Here are my childish attempt to draw out this scene. I did my best. No really. I sat down with my wife’s fancy pens and paper and took my time to be careful.
This is the best I could do. This is what we will suffer through if I can’t hire Alex.
Ugh. Gross. No.
Stop. No more!
The $6500 Stretch goal isn’t just something “that might be nice if it happened.” We NEED this to make a book that is beautiful to behold and easy to use.
Help me help us help you help….everyone?
Only a few hours left to make this thing happen.