Troika Generator & Tracker

Use the buttons below to generate characters for the Troika! roleplaying game. The turn tracker lets you manage Troika’s weird turn system. You can view all 453 backgrounds here.

Add your own Backgrounds to the Generator

If you email me your backgrounds I may not be able to add them to the generator. My time is limited, unfortunately, and y'all have a LOT of backgrounds!

Follow the steps below to ensure your backgrounds are added in.

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Navigate to the technicalgrimoire repository.
  3. Click that little fork button in the top right.
  4. Navigate to assets/generator_resources/troika.json.
  5. Edit the file (little pencil on the top right of the file).
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the file, add as many backgrounds as you like. Use the same formatting as the others.
  7. Click "Commit Changes" on the bottom.
  8. Click the "Code" tab along the top left.
  9. Next to "This branch is 1 commit ahead of DavidSchirduan:netlify" click the "contribute" button and then click "open pull request".
  10. Click "Create Pull Request". Click it again in the bottom right.
  11. You're done! I'll review your background and add it to the generator. Thanks!

Character Generator

Stone Keening

From Bridgetown by John Gregory & Furtive Goblin.








Identity is a complicated thing for a Troll-sized agglomeration of human souls animating a bunch of rubble. But, all together, “you” are a stone keening—the fate of every unlucky sod who doesn’t get siphoned into a Keystone when they die. You’re better off than most, though. You still collectively have your wits about you, your new neighbors are (mostly) agreeable, and you all have common cause: don’t get turned into gravel by a frightened mob screaming “monster!”


  • One Very Big Fist (Damage as Large Beast)
  • Literal Rock-Hard Body (Heavily Armoured)
  • Some Bits of Moss Growing on You (Fresh Ingredient)
  • A rucksack
  • 2d6 provisions
  • A length of rope
  • A flint knife
  • A pocket full of dried tinder-moss

Advanced Skills & Spells

Add your Skill ( + 5 ) to each of these:

  • 4 Strength
  • 3 Disguise (As Rubble Only)
  • 2 Punching
  • 1 Second Sight


You can communicate with other Keenings or loose souls without the aid of magic. Additionally, you can always identify what a piece of rubble came from.

Look’n For…

  • A Comfy Keystone You All Agree On
  • Others of Your Kind
  • A Quiet Place to Grow Moss

Save your character: bookmark this page, copy this link, or print it out.

Turn Tracker

Thanks to:

  • Luis Alvarez for the beautiful card art. All rights belong to Luis.
  • Andrei Gheorghiu for the excellent number spinner code.
  • Uyuxo for collecting the list.
  • Daniel Sell for making Troika such an incredible game.
  • All the creatives who contributed their backgrounds to this generator. You’re all amazing!


This generator is an independent production by Technical Grimoire and is not affiliated with the Melsonian Arts Council. All backgrounds were added with the explicit permission of their respective creators, and those creators retain sole rights to their creations.